Vietnammese Language Moodle Mobile

Vietnammese Language Moodle Mobile

از Cảnh Hoàng Ngọc در
Number of replies: 1

I can't change language in my app. Please help me. This file translated in below

In reply to Cảnh Hoàng Ngọc

Re: Vietnammese Language Moodle Mobile

از koen roggemans در
عکس Language pack maintainers


Thank you for your work!

I took out $string['appstoredescription'] since that was not translated.

I also changed $string['core.settings.reportinbackground'] since it was missing '; (translating off line is dangerous).

The strings for the mobile app are only included with a new release of the app, so you might need to wait a while before you see the app translated.

I have send you a private message to become language pack maintainer for Vietnamese. There are a lot of strings pending for approval, so that would be an easy win for the Vietnamese language pack if you could approve them.

Kind regards
