How to delete lang files in child packages

How to delete lang files in child packages

על ידי Ralf Hilgenstock בתאריך
מספר תגובות: 1
תמונה של Language pack maintainers

Accidential some lang files were created in de_wp.
What is the process to delete them?

בתגובה ל: Ralf Hilgenstock

Re: How to delete lang files in child packages

על ידי David Mudrák בתאריך
תמונה של Language pack maintainers

The "untranslate" links should help. Alternatively if there were many of them, create a new MDLSITE issue with their list and I can delete them directly in the database (that way we can get rid of them including the history).

Screenshot of AMOS Translator interface with 'untranslate' links highlighted