In AMOS, being able to restrict Substring to English (en) or other language

In AMOS, being able to restrict Substring to English (en) or other language

TerrierSéverin -


When you want to select only some specific strings to work on, Substring is useful.

But depending of what you want to achieve, it would be very useful to be able to restrict this search condition to only original English (en) language, or at the opposite only for the language you want to make the translation. And also let the possibility, like now, to search for both.

Hope something can be done to improve AMOS like that.



Re: In AMOS, being able to restrict Substring to English (en) or other language

MudrákDavid -
Language pack maintainers的头像

Thank you Séverin for the suggestion. Can you please provide a bit more details for the particular use-case when you've hit this? What was the substring you were searching for, that the presence of the other language made the search results difficult to work with?


Re: In AMOS, being able to restrict Substring to English (en) or other language

MartignoniNicolas -
Language pack maintainers的头像

I also hit this recently, but cannot recall the usecase, since I cannot find the lang packs git repo (and its commit history) anymore.

It was once here: git://, but this seems not to be updated anymore. Is there some possibility to browse the current git repo, so I can document my usecase? (Sorry, I should maybe create another discussion for this.)


Re: In AMOS, being able to restrict Substring to English (en) or other language

BöschLuca -

Dear Nicolas,

Once I noticed that too (the missing Git export of whole packs).
But there is a tracker issue to it and those formalerly regularly done exports—at least—are not going to be back.

Maybe someone can deliver another way of searching the whole package.



Re: In AMOS, being able to restrict Substring to English (en) or other language

MartignoniNicolas -
Language pack maintainers的头像

Thanks Luca for the answer and the (bad) news.

A solution for such needs would be to get back the AMOS logs, which were lost (see MDLSITE-6384). Looking forward to its resolution.



Er: Re: In AMOS, being able to restrict Substring to English (en) or other language

Zendegi UrzelaiIñigo -
Hi David,

+1 to be able to restrict the search to one of the languages.

I don't know if Séverin has some other cases, but this is a use-case I've detected: sometimes you want to search for a term in English but this term is also used on the other language (sometimes they are related, but not always), so the search returns a lot of strings that are not what you are looking for.
回复Zendegi UrzelaiIñigo

Re: Er: Re: In AMOS, being able to restrict Substring to English (en) or other language

TerrierSéverin -

I don't remember the exact use case, because i had it (long) time ago, and just wrote recently about it.

But it's at least the same thing described by Iñigo Zendegi Urzelai. And also you want to search a word/string only in french (for my case), and it returns lots of english strings.

Re: Er: Re: In AMOS, being able to restrict Substring to English (en) or other language

TerrierSéverin -

An exemple with the word "font", that as totally different meanings in english and french, and generate lot of uneeded things.


Re: In AMOS, being able to restrict Substring to English (en) or other language

MudrákDavid -
Language pack maintainers的头像

Actually, I just ran into this exact need, too. In my case, I wanted to find all empty English strings (via regex search ^$). As it is now, it also finds and displays all missing strings too, because the translation is empty. So it would help if I could limit the search scope to English only.


Re: In AMOS, being able to restrict Substring to English (en) or other language

TerrierSéverin -
So, do i (or someone else) need to create a tracker issue for that?
Or you create it, so you'll better write what needs to be done exactly?

Re: In AMOS, being able to restrict Substring to English (en) or other language

MudrákDavid -
Language pack maintainers的头像

It always helps when issues are created by the actual end users, who describe the required functionality from their perspective and use case. Thanks.


Re: In AMOS, being able to restrict Substring to English (en) or other language

TerrierSéverin -
I've finally created MDLSITE-6660 for this. Hope you'll find time for that.

Re: In AMOS, being able to restrict Substring to English (en) or other language

TerrierSéverin -
Hi David,

Just wonder if you think you'll be able to implement this functionnality in AMOS (soon)?

That would be really helpful.

Re: In AMOS, being able to restrict Substring to English (en) or other language

MudrákDavid -
Language pack maintainers的头像

Thank you Séverin for the reminder. We've added the issue to the backlog and I'll do my best to get to it. As always, if anybody has a chance to try and provide the patch, it will be welcome.

Just wondering about the best and simple UI for it. Would it be enough to be able to distinguish between English-only and everywhere? That is, would it work if we simply added a new checkbox like:

New checkbox added to the AMOS Filter form


Re: In AMOS, being able to restrict Substring to English (en) or other language

TerrierSéverin -
Thanks for that. I should certainly have reminded it sooner 眨眼

Unfortunatly no, use cases implies being able to search for english only, or (at least) (an)other language(s).
Certainly having "In English only" and "Excluding English" (or "All but English") would be good, and adress most use cases (perhaps all), because i suppose most people work on one language at a time, or would need same search on all languages but english.

Hope this answer you question, and doesn(t complicate (too much) the development needed for that.


Er: Re: In AMOS, being able to restrict Substring to English (en) or other language

Zendegi UrzelaiIñigo -
+1 to what Séverin said, sometimes we need to search for terms only in English and sometimes only in the other language.

Thinking about it could be implemented, the first thought was to have two check buttons (one for English and one for the other languages), but then I realized I usually don't need to search in both languages so it could be a radio button too (being English the default value).
回复Zendegi UrzelaiIñigo

Re: Er: Re: In AMOS, being able to restrict Substring to English (en) or other language

TerrierSéverin -

Still come back to know if it's planned to be able to filter on "English only" or "Not english" ?

Another use case just now : in french, punctuation marks, like these (! : ; ...) must be preceded by a space, but it's not the case in english.

If i try to find all occurrences where it's not the case in french, it also finds all english occurrences, so i can't check it 伤心

I don't remember the details, but i'm sure there are other use cases...

So, i hope this useful addition to AMOS could be live soon.


Re: Er: Re: In AMOS, being able to restrict Substring to English (en) or other language

TerrierSéverin -

New year, new idea : in fact, it could be useful to be able to specify (different) substring(s) to (not) find both in english, and in (an)other language(s).

As an exemple, to be coherent in the whole french translation, we want to translate everywhere both "Are you sure" and "Do you really" by "Voulez-vous vraiment".

It would be super useful to be able to find sentences containing english one, and not containing the french one. This would allow an easy way to quickly find sentences not respecting it, to update them.


Re: In AMOS, being able to restrict Substring to English (en) or / and other language

TerrierSéverin -

Come back about this idea, just to know if there is a chance to have it (soon ?) in AMOS?

I really think that having two fields (like "English substring" and "Other language substring") would certainly be the simpler to develop, and the greater to use, allowing to handle lot of different case (and / or conditions).
