Error translating multilangforceold

Re: Error translating multilangforceold

by German Valero -
Number of replies: 1
Language pack maintainers की तस्वीर
Silly old me!
I checked the history for that string in AMOS for Mexican Spanish: I have already translated the same string seven times!
In reply to German Valero

Re: Error translating multilangforceold

by Ralf Krause -
Language pack maintainers की तस्वीर

In the history I found the following:

4.1+ | de | 2022-06-17 08:20 UTC
Paul Holden <>
MDL-74455 filter_multilang: add text labels for plugin settings. Committed into Git: 2022-04-07 10:58 UTC
Alte Syntax für multilang festlegen: ohne &lt;span class="multilang"&gt; und ohne &lt;lang&gt;