Text strings with emoticons

Re: Text strings with emoticons

autor koen roggemans -
Počet odpovedí: 2
Obrázok: Language pack maintainers

It should work if you use UTF-8 emoticons and if the database is converted to support 4 byte unicode.

4 byte support  was part of an upgrade some time ago ... See https://docs.moodle.org/400/en/MySQL_full_unicode_support

Unicode emojis are (i think) these ones: https://www.w3schools.com/charsets/ref_emoji.asp

V odpovedi na koen roggemans

Re: Text strings with emoticons

autor Ralf Krause -
Obrázok: Language pack maintainers

Thank you, Koen.

We are translating the language packs for all Moodle platforms ... so we must see all platforms in the world. 

What happens with a text string if the text string comes with an emoticon and the Moodle database runs with utf8_general_ci and not with utf8mb4_general_ci? Will Moodle use the text string? Can Moodle provide the text string with the emoticon or will Moodle get problems with this text string?

Best regards, Ralf

V odpovedi na Ralf Krause

Re: Text strings with emoticons

autor koen roggemans -
Obrázok: Language pack maintainers
I don't know what the effect is of using a 4-byte language pack on a not migrated database. I think no problem as long as no 4 byte utf-8 characters are written to it. But that is hard to predict if and when that will happen. There are also loads of other easy ways users can enter 4 byte characters in the database, e.g. making a forum post from a mobile phone and adding an emoticon.

So, honestly, I don't think it is an issue. The feature of being able to use 4byte utf-8 characters went in on 13 March 2017. There are reminders on the upgrade page that converting the database is necessary. That is over 5 years now. No one should run a web app for 5 years without upgrading it or should ignore the upgrade recommendations. Newer installations should follow the installation guide and have 4-byte support.