Hi Moodle translators,
I noticed the documentation for translators and contributors of language packs has moved away from Mediawiki to a new platform: https://moodledev.io/general/development/process/translation
This is part of the move of the whole of the development documentation for reasons I'm not aware of. The translation documentation is a part of this developer documentation and therefore moved too. As I understood, there are no plans to move the user documentation and that would stay at https://docs.moodle.org.
The system used for the development documentation uses markdown files, residing on Github, that are parsed to static HTML files with Docusaurus. The process on how to contribute is on https://github.com/moodle/devdocs. Basically, clone the documentation repository, install some software, make your changes, test by running the software, create a pull request, Wait/hope that it is accepted.
Although I'm familiar with this sort of workflow (I use it for my own blog, using Hugo rather then Docusaurus), I'm not so happy with this move for a few reasons:
- Translators are not developers, therefore the process described above might be a daily thing to do for a developer, but not for a translator.
- Adding useful contributions to the documentation wil therefore happen a lot less then now, because of the longer process.
- Small corrections in the documentation, updated / improved workflows, bright ideas might not end up in documentation anymore.
- All credits to contributors for the current documentation are gone.
- All history of the documentation is gone.
- All though Moodle translation contributes to the Moodle LMS code, it is not really part of Moodle development.
- There is no reason, nor benefits for Moodle translators - just change and added complexity to maintain it.
If I look a the contributions list of the translation documentation, most of the contributions are not done by Moodle developers, but by translators. A lot of work is done by Helen, German, Nicolas, Mary, myself, ... It's community build documentation.
Therefore I would like to create a tracker issue to move the translator documentation back to user documentation (https://docs.moodle.org) or another place where it is easier to maintain by non-developers.
Is there support for my proposal, is there something to add or are translators happy with the move to the new location - also fine? Please comment.
Kind regards