Translation documentation moved to new area.

Re: Translation documentation moved to new area.

Napisane przez: koen roggemans ()
Liczba odpowiedzi: 0
Obraz Language pack maintainers

Thank you for clarifying this Tim. I looked into the process before making my post.

The complete process is on Personally I wouldn't dare to try to create a new page.

Please admit that it is more difficult then editing a wiki uśmiech, where only step 4 is necessary.

The process doesn't end with step 6: the pull request. Someone whit the gifts of an all knowing God needs to review the request and decide if the information is valid, useful and correct. In a wiki, the next person comes along (or the one who watches that page and is very familiar with the subject) and improves the wording or reverts the nonsense. 

I hope Moodle HQ has thought about the workload for accepting pull requests better then e.g. Nextcloud, where a poll about what people motivate and what slows them down to develop plugins for Nextcloud, the documentation process was marked as one of the problems (See A wiki was proposed as solution uśmiech, which is what the NextcloudPI developers use, moving away from the core (git based) documentation.

I don't mind change for the better, but I still don't see the benefits of this one, especially not for the translation part. It's a lot of work to do the move, loss of contributors data, processes become more difficult in stead of easier, the process is slower (waiting for pull request approval), more people need to dedicate their time to a change, and so one... anyway, sorry for the rant.