We are currently working on a redesign of Moodle.org to align it better with its community remit. We are focusing first on the front page and a new ‘Get involved’ page. We’ll be showcasing the improvements at the Global moot and will be going live soon afterwards.
Currently, as you know, translations of Moodle.org are done via AMOS. However, our new design will use the same content translation plugin we use on Moodle Academy, where trusted translators translate directly on the site.
If you translate Moodle.org wording for your language, we’d appreciate it if you explore the course Translate Moodle Academy to familiarise yourself with the system. (No need to complete the course unless you also intend to translate Moodle Academy courses.)
When we are nearer launching the new look site, we’ll be in touch with information on how you can translate the new Moodle.org front page and Get involved page. Thanks very much in advance for your continued support and contributions!
Hello translators!
This is to let you know that the new Moodle.org front page (along with connected pages, linked to from the Get Involved button) are ready to be translated. If you have recently translated Moodle.org via AMOS and have also gone through the Translating Moodle Academy course to familiarise yourself with the plugin, then when you next log in to Moodle.org you will find you have been given the translator role and will be able to translate into your native language.
If you don't see the translation plugin icons but wish to contribute to translating Moodle.org, and have taken the course/are familiar with the plugin, please let me know either by replying here or via a personal message, and I will give you access.
Many thanks in advance.
I want to translate some parts of the web site moodle.org and I just have got. the badge in the Moodle Academy course "Translate Moodle". Please set the rights to let me translate moodle.org.
I just translated the front page of the Moodle Community site moodle.org. I found that there are some german child languages like "Deutsch - Schweiz (de_ch)" and "Bairisch (bar)" but they do not get the german translation.
I think that you must not show those german child languages in the language menu. Of course, if someone will translate the Moodle site to "Deutsch - Schweiz (de_ch)" or "Bairisch (bar)" then the choosing those languages should be possible. But as long as they get the english texts the idea is not so good. Perhaps Luca will try a different translation for "Deutsch - Schweiz (de_ch)"?
In regards to de_ch the main difference is merely the replacing of ß by ss. We (and the Austrian, as I understand) do not use ß!
I think it would be wise if the german translators would co-ordinate on two specific, the one being how to handle gender (should it be "Stelle jede Moodle-Frage, vernetze dich mit Moodler:innen aus der ganzen Welt, teile deine Erfahrungen und arbeite zusammen." or "Stelle jede Moodle-Frage, vernetze dich mit Moodler/innen aus der ganzen Welt, teile deine Erfahrungen und arbeite zusammen." or "Stelle jede Moodle-Frage, vernetze dich mit Moodler*innen aus der ganzen Welt, teile deine Erfahrungen und arbeite zusammen."?) and the other being the dashes which you can do or not do ("Community Foren" or "Community-Foren"?).
I very much like the Moodle language policy guidelines (I can't find the link right now, you probably know what I'm talking about, Mary), but for german.
yes, I know about these differences with the ß and the ss. But should it be better to have an untranslated web site for "Deutsch -Schweiz (de_ch)" than to have a german web site for swiss readers?
Yes, I know that some words have to be gendered. But my first thing was to use the new tool and to get a first translation so I can talk about the adventure and the problems.
Best regards,
I agree the site does not need a de_ch variant. If it is possible, may you remove the de_ch entry from the list to choose, Mary, please?
Although Austrians and Swiss do write a bit differently themselves they cope very well with those strange german ß.
The de_ch makes sense for Moodle institutions run in swiss school institutions for example.
Hey, I found some text on the login page https://moodle.org/login/index.php which should be translated.

There seems to be a invalid link on the page https://moodle.org/getinvolved for the block "Moodle User Association". The link jumps back to the front page.
There is a problem with the translation of the Moodle.org frontpage.
For the topic "Connect with the community at MoodleMoot Global" I can't get the source code. Yes, I edited the code for German version to put the new picture into the page but I can't see if the parameters are the same as we find them in the English version. The translation plugin does not show the HTML code and the diffs for the English page. I can't click the tabs on the top of the right side.
Hi Mary,
the first outdated translation in the list is the topic with the certificated Moodle Partners. I need to translate the topic for the Moodlemoot. And I get the same error when I try to open the tool from the list of outdated translations. I translated the text now but I can't say if there are some differences in the html code or in the css formatting.
yes, these tabs work in other blocks. I cold not resize my browser window on the iPad. And no, on the iMac the tabs also did not work. Currently there is no block marked for a german translation so I can‘t try.
Yesterday I got another error with the link to the page getinvolved. Today ther is no error anymore.
I have translated most of the Moodle.org frontpage to Mexican Spanish
I thought Moodle HQ or a Moodle Partner would quickly translate the Moodle.org homepage (and Moodle Academy courses) to international Spanish, but that hasn't happened yet.
Thus, I would like to be able to also translate the Moodle.org homepage to International Spanish, but I could not add that language in the translators page of the 'Translate Moodle Academy ' course.

Can you please allow me to also translate into international Spanish ?
Some pages available in Spanish seem to have been automatically translated by Google, such as https://moodle.com/es/acerca-de/
It should have been properly translated as 'Democratizando la educación a la manera del 'código abierto''
I will be in touch with you about International Spanish shortly.
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Thanks as usual for your assistance in making Moodle multilingual and warming my polyglot heart
Hello again. Jasmin and Mitsuhiro - you now have the translator roles on Moodle.org.
We've resolved the issues with translations so you are all welcome to continue. Just a note that, along with the front page, there is text and associated text on the Get Involved pages too.
Hi Mary,
Thank you very much. It's great to see the translation interface for the Moodle.org front page. And I can see some text for translation on the "Get Involved" page too.
Finally I got my "Translate Moodle Academy" badge on Moodle Academy yesterday.

I would like to support your translation of the community page. I found very late that some additional informations are hidden in the source text which should also be adjusted with your translation.
I asked Mary but my question about the links was still open. I don't want to land on an English marketing page at the Moodle HQ https://moodle.com when I come from a German community page at https://moodle.org . If you follow the respective link after your translation, you will probably not always be satisfied either. I found this problem on the French (fr) community page and the Mexican Spanish (mx_es) community page.
I was able to answer this question myself today. As a solution I follow the link to https://moodle.com and get the English text. Then I click on DE for German in the upper right corner at https://moodle.com and I get the German text. I copy the URL and set it as the link into the source code of my translation.
In the source code I also found some alternative texts that describe links and pictures with the attribute alt. Of course these alternative texts should be translated, too. In the last section of the community page you can find three pictures with the alternative text "Kittens" for all three pictures. I thought kittens are little cats. Where did yo copy the source code?
Best regards
there is a line going through the three icons in the topic Moodle Roadmap. This line looks inexpertly. I removed this line in the german version of the community page. Open the source code and replace "hr" with "div" ... do nothing else.
<hr class="w-100 d-none d-md-block position-absolute"> <div class="w-100 d-none d-md-block position-absolute"></div>Best regards,

Apologies for the delay on getting back to you regarding this issue.
After many hours of debugging 😃 there's a tiny non-printing character called
that was present in the Deutsche translation for the mentioned pages which was causing the translation filter to break and not show the translation button , after removing this character i can access the translation button again.I'm not confident on what exactly got this non-printing character into the translated text but maybe the text was copied from a word processing software (Microsoft Word or word pad ).