What is 30832 number of meaning?

What is 30832 number of meaning?

door Uyanga Tuvshinsanaa -
Aantal antwoorden: 5

1. What is 30832 number of meaning? 

2. I downloaded last version of English language pack (.zip file) from lang.moodle.org. Then I unzipped file there was 2775 files (.php) and 159311 strings on each file. I can't find this 30832 number. How does it count?

Als antwoord op Uyanga Tuvshinsanaa

Re: What is 30832 number of meaning?

door Mitja Podreka -
Foto van Language pack maintainers
It is the number of strings in Moodle Core.
Language packs contain also translations of the additional plugins.
Als antwoord op Mitja Podreka

Re: What is 30832 number of meaning?

door Uyanga Tuvshinsanaa -
Thank you a lot. Where do I find list of Moodle Core files?
Als antwoord op Uyanga Tuvshinsanaa

Re: What is 30832 number of meaning?

door Mitja Podreka -
Foto van Language pack maintainers
You can find Moodle Core locale files in 'lang' folder (in release package or Git).
Als antwoord op Uyanga Tuvshinsanaa

Re: What is 30832 number of meaning?

door Mitsuhiro Yoshida -
Foto van Language pack maintainers

If you only need a list of core en language files, I think you can use the following shell script to obtain it.



DIRLIST=`find -depth -type d -iname "en"|sed 's/\.\///g'`
for dirname in $DIRLIST
  ls $dirname/*
If you need a copy of all core en language directories and files, you can use the following shell script.



DIRLIST=`find -depth -type d -iname "en"|sed 's/\.\///g'`
for dirname in $DIRLIST
  mkdir -p $dirname
  \cp -frp $MDLHOME/$dirname/* ./$dirname/