What is 30832 number of meaning?

What is 30832 number of meaning?

per Uyanga Tuvshinsanaa,
Number of replies: 5

1. What is 30832 number of meaning? 

2. I downloaded last version of English language pack (.zip file) from lang.moodle.org. Then I unzipped file there was 2775 files (.php) and 159311 strings on each file. I can't find this 30832 number. How does it count?

In reply to Uyanga Tuvshinsanaa

Re: What is 30832 number of meaning?

per Mitja Podreka,
Avatar Language pack maintainers
It is the number of strings in Moodle Core.
Language packs contain also translations of the additional plugins.
In reply to Mitja Podreka

Re: What is 30832 number of meaning?

per Uyanga Tuvshinsanaa,
Thank you a lot. Where do I find list of Moodle Core files?
In reply to Uyanga Tuvshinsanaa

Re: What is 30832 number of meaning?

per Mitja Podreka,
Avatar Language pack maintainers
You can find Moodle Core locale files in 'lang' folder (in release package or Git).
In reply to Uyanga Tuvshinsanaa

Re: What is 30832 number of meaning?

per Mitsuhiro Yoshida,
Avatar Language pack maintainers

If you only need a list of core en language files, I think you can use the following shell script to obtain it.



DIRLIST=`find -depth -type d -iname "en"|sed 's/\.\///g'`
for dirname in $DIRLIST
  ls $dirname/*
If you need a copy of all core en language directories and files, you can use the following shell script.



DIRLIST=`find -depth -type d -iname "en"|sed 's/\.\///g'`
for dirname in $DIRLIST
  mkdir -p $dirname
  \cp -frp $MDLHOME/$dirname/* ./$dirname/