Hi, waiting reivew

Hi, waiting reivew

yazan Michael Michael -
Yanıt sayısı: 3

Hi Everyone,

I'm excited to be part of this community! I've been translating Moodle into Arabic, and it's awesome. But getting translations approved takes a bit too long. Also, I've noticed some translators might not be native Arabic speakers.

Any ideas on how we can make this process faster and smoother?


Michael Michael yanıt olarak

Re: Hi, waiting reivew

yazan koen roggemans -
Language pack maintainers 'ın resmi

Hi Michael,

Have you contacted the langauge pack maintainers?

I see you are contributing to Moodle for Workplace. That langugage pack is something special - only workplace-only and changes to the standard ar language pack should go in there. All shared strings should go to the standard ar language pack.

The workplace language pack is maintained by companies offering Moodle Workplace (see https://docs.moodle.org/403/en/Translation_FAQ#Why_do_other_languages_have_child_languages.3F)

Kind regards
