Moodle mobile app version 4.4 ready for translation Ralf Krause - perjantaina 10. toukokuuta 2024, 01.06 Vastausten määrä: 1 Hey Juan, the community needs an info to translate the new strings for the Moodle mobile app version 4.4. I found some strings in local_moodlemobileapp and I translated them for the german language pack. Best regards,Ralf Ikilinkki Vastaa Vastaus Ralf Krause Re: Moodle mobile app version 4.4 ready for translation Juan Leyva - keskiviikkona 12. kesäkuuta 2024, 21.00 Hi Ralf, we just completed the import of all the strings that will require translation. As usual, you can find the strings requiring translation by filtering for your language and selecting "Only strings used in the Moodle App" and "Only missing strings". Regards, JUan Ikilinkki Näytä aiempi Vastaa
Vastaus Ralf Krause Re: Moodle mobile app version 4.4 ready for translation Juan Leyva - keskiviikkona 12. kesäkuuta 2024, 21.00 Hi Ralf, we just completed the import of all the strings that will require translation. As usual, you can find the strings requiring translation by filtering for your language and selecting "Only strings used in the Moodle App" and "Only missing strings". Regards, JUan Ikilinkki Näytä aiempi Vastaa