[AMOS commit] MDL-82609 AI: Provider - Action settings Committed into Git: 2024-08-05 06:34 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-82609 AI: Provider - Action settings Committed into Git: 2024-08-05 06:34 UTC

by AMOS bot -
Number of replies: 0
Author: Matt Porritt
MDL-82609 AI: Provider - Action settings
Allow each each Provider plugin to be able
to specify settings for the actions that they
support. Adds admin setting support for these


+ 4.5 en [action:generate_image:endpoint,aiprovider_openai]
+ 4.5 en [action:generate_image:endpoint_desc,aiprovider_openai]
+ 4.5 en [action:generate_image:model,aiprovider_openai]
+ 4.5 en [action:generate_image:model_desc,aiprovider_openai]
+ 4.5 en [action:generate_text:endpoint,aiprovider_openai]
+ 4.5 en [action:generate_text:endpoint_desc,aiprovider_openai]
+ 4.5 en [action:generate_text:model,aiprovider_openai]
+ 4.5 en [action:generate_text:model_desc,aiprovider_openai]
+ 4.5 en [action:generate_text:systeminstruction,aiprovider_openai]
+ 4.5 en [action:generate_text:systeminstruction_desc,aiprovider_openai]
+ 4.5 en [action:summarise_text:endpoint,aiprovider_openai]
+ 4.5 en [action:summarise_text:endpoint_desc,aiprovider_openai]
+ 4.5 en [action:summarise_text:model,aiprovider_openai]
+ 4.5 en [action:summarise_text:model_desc,aiprovider_openai]
+ 4.5 en [action:summarise_text:systeminstruction,aiprovider_openai]
+ 4.5 en [action:summarise_text:systeminstruction_desc,aiprovider_openai]
+ 4.5 en [action_generate_text_instruction,ai]
+ 4.5 en [actionsettingprovider,ai]
+ 4.5 en [actionsettingprovider_desc,ai]