Remove erroneously committed translation

Remove erroneously committed translation

by Nicolas Martignoni -
Number of replies: 2
Picture of Language pack maintainers


I erroneously committed a bunch of strings into fr_ca instead of fr (all strings of block_course_overview_campus). After noticing my error, I committed the strings to fr, and would like now to remove these strings from fr_ca, as they have to be inherited from fr.

Is it possible to do this myself? if yes, how? if no, could someone (David Vica) do it for me?

In reply to Nicolas Martignoni

Re: Remove erroneously committed translation

by David Mudrák -
Picture of Language pack maintainers
I think the easiest would be to simply remove the commit records from the database (as AMOS still pretty lacks the possibility to simply remove existing translation).

Are we talking about the commit "Traduction #9173 proposée par Sylvain Loignon" from "2014-07-29 20:15 UTC" that contains 116 translated strings for the 2.6 branch? (found using the AMOS Log tool). If so, how did you manage to convert that fr_ca contribution to be the fr contribution? Did you translate it via AMOS manually? (I'm asking because there's a known feature request to be able to change the language of contributed translations that has not been implemented yet).
In reply to David Mudrák

Re: Remove erroneously committed translation

by Nicolas Martignoni -
Picture of Language pack maintainers

Yes David, it's this commit indeed (Traduction #9173 proposée par Sylvain Loignon).

Here's what I did to "convert" it to fr (one it was committed in fr_ca):

  1. Wait til the lang pack was updated on
  2. Download the fr_ca lang pack
  3. Locate the appropriate php file
  4. Feed AMOS with it in the fr language
  5. Commit it

A bit tricky, so I would support the feature request that would enable to do it inside AMOS Mamatheka