Problem with new DEV English string

Problem with new DEV English string

por German Valero -
Número de respostas: 4
Imagem de Language pack maintainers

I think I found a problem for non-English Moodle sites in soon-to-be released 3.0 DEV branch.

The string borderstyles_default | atto_table contains "solid,​dashed,​dotted"

BUT these three words are not independently available in AMOS, so I think that these three choices that the user must (choose from, and) type are hard-wired and, therefore, should not be translated by AMOS (dirty quick fix, hostile for languages different to English), or the developers should define these three words individually, make them available to AMOS, and change the code used to recognize the user input, so that the user could type whichever style he/she chooses in whichever language he/she uses. Or maybe an unrecognized input (in a translated language) should produce a "choose from these three choices only (in English)..."

But I am not a programmer and I have not been able to try this in a local server yet.

But we are already in 3.0 Q.A. phase, and I would really like if a knowledgeable person could check into it and propose a fix (if merited).

This might be a minor issue, but the coming 3.0 branch looks like the best Moodle branch ever sorriso

Em resposta à German Valero

Re: Problem with new DEV English string

por German Valero -
Imagem de Language pack maintainers

When using the DEV 3.0 branch Moodle 3.0beta (Build: 20151023), if you go to

The choices shown are all English words, even if you have a 100% translated language pack (es_mx), and are not available for translation in AMOS (they are hard-wired) :

none, hidden,dotted,dashed,solid,double,groove,ridge,inset,outset

Is this worth adding an issue to the tracker?

It affects all non-English Moodle users triste

Em resposta à German Valero

Re: Problem with new DEV English string

por David Mudrák -
Imagem de Language pack maintainers
Hi German, and thanks for raising this issue. As I was able to find, the issue with this string has been spotted by Andrew Nicols during the integration, too - see

There is a work in progress in MDL-51880 that might address other findings of yours here. Please feel free to provide your feedback there in the tracker.
Em resposta à David Mudrák

Re: Problem with new DEV English string

por German Valero -
Imagem de Language pack maintainers

Hi David,

Thanks for the quick response. I'll keep an eye on MDL-51880.

Em resposta à German Valero

Re: Problem with new DEV English string

por German Valero -
Imagem de Language pack maintainers

The new strings have appeared in AMOS. But some of these words can have so many different meanings/translations (eg, inset, outset,unset) sorriso

nb: I just found an image with these border styles at that will really help translators to better describe these border styles sorriso