greylisted string in use: core_error/cannotfindgroup 由Rezaie Shamim發表於2017年 02月 6日(週一) 10:48 Number of replies: 1 Hi,core_error/cannotfindgroup is in use in mod/forum/lib.php and mod/data/lib.php and mod/wiki/lib.php 永久鏈接 回覆 In reply to Rezaie Shamim Re: greylisted string in use: core_error/cannotfindgroup 由Mudrák David發表於2017年 02月 6日(週一) 22:08 Good catch Shamim! I just removed that string from the greylist. Thanks for the report! 永久鏈接 顯示上層文章 回覆
In reply to Rezaie Shamim Re: greylisted string in use: core_error/cannotfindgroup 由Mudrák David發表於2017年 02月 6日(週一) 22:08 Good catch Shamim! I just removed that string from the greylist. Thanks for the report! 永久鏈接 顯示上層文章 回覆