Plugins with coding errors, whose strings are not available in AMOS

Plugins with coding errors, whose strings are not available in AMOS

von German Valero -
Anzahl Antworten: 2
Nutzerbild von Language pack maintainers

I have encountered a few newly created plugins that have coding errors that cause AMOS to  fail to recognize the English language strings and therefore fail to host the English language strings in AMOS, as described in the documentation.

Some of these errors are easy to spot and I have been able to contact the plugin author to have it fixed. Some of these errors are not easy to spot (for a non-programmer such as myself), and need the help from a skilled (and over-worked) programmer such as David Mudrak lächelnd

Would it be too difficult or time-consuming to add an automatic  code check for this when a programmer submits a new or updated plugin for Moodle ? Would this be worth making a tracker issue ?

Or, better still, are there any AMOS translators, proficient as programmers, and willing to check these few hard-to-detect-where-the-problem-is plugins? Maybe they could be given a kind of 'plugin improver'  badge lächelnd

Als Antwort auf German Valero

Re: Plugins with coding errors, whose strings are not available in AMOS

von David Mudrák -
Nutzerbild von Language pack maintainers

It is also on my todo list to improve the language string parser in AMOS so that it would be more benevolent to alternative syntax. Especially the concatenation operator.

On the other hand, maintainers are always informed when they release a new version of the plugin that can't be registered with AMOS. And the problematic line number is reported, too.

Als Antwort auf David Mudrák

Re: Plugins with coding errors, whose strings are not available in AMOS

von German Valero -
Nutzerbild von Language pack maintainers

Thanks David,

It is very good to see that you keep on improving AMOS tools.