- A list of languages you know, including your level in each: Native ; Fluent ; High writing profiency ; High reading proficiency; or Intermediate. (Please don't forget to include your level in English).
- A few words about your experience (if any) with translation, and a link to some of your work (for example, if you've helped translate Moodle Core, include a link to your profile on AMOS)
Could you help translate MoodleNet in your language?
Re: Could you help translate MoodleNet in your language?
1. czech is my native languages
2. Ive helped translate Moodle for long time https://lang.moodle.org/user/profile.php?id=312, I am proude to be on 100%
Re: Could you help translate MoodleNet in your language?
- French
- Maintainer of fr and fr_ca Moodle language packs. Proud Moodle core translator for 15+ years
. Translator for other open source projects (Stellarium, MODx, Webtrees).
Is there an estimation of the number strings to be translated?
Odg: Could you help translate MoodleNet in your language?
1. Slovenian: native; English: fluent
2. Translating Moodle for the last 12 years; Slovenian language pack maintainer; Translating OJS, OMP and H5P.
Re: Could you help translate MoodleNet in your language?
I am AMOS maintainer for the mexican Spanish language pack.
1. Native (mexican) Spanish speaker, fluent in English
2. Translated 100% Moodle 3.x core and most additional plugins, making es_mx the largest, most complete language pack besides English .
Also contributed some strings to en_fixes
Also translated recent Moodle HQ YouTube videos.
Also translated several user tours from Moodle.net.
See my Moodle profile.
Re: Could you help translate MoodleNet in your language?
1. Croatian - native, English - fluent
2. Croatian language pack maintainer since 2004: https://lang.moodle.org/user/profile.php?id=33
Re: Could you help translate MoodleNet in your language?
Hello Mayel
English: fluent
German: native
Translator for German language pack since >10 years. Translator for Mahara and several other tools. Official Moodle Partner in Germany.
Re: Could you help translate MoodleNet in your language?
Hi Mayel,
I think your request here is a little bit like kicking in an open door : as you can see, there are an awful lot of really experienced Moodle translators here (200+ maintainers), who loyally translate for many years every string that appears in Moodle. I'm inclined to say: throw your strings here and the work will be done (just like e.g. the mobile strings, the moodle.org strings are all done here).
I am a little bit confused about "MoodleNet is an open social media platform to sustainably empower communities of educators to share and learn from each other to improve the quality of education". I must have missed something, since I thought Moodle.org is doing that already nearly 17 years and therefore containing a lot of very valuable tips and tricks on every aspect of Moodle. I hope all that information is not going to get lost in transition. Or is it a 4th pilar (next to moodle.org, the docs and moodle.net)?
To answer your questions:
- Translating Moodle to Dutch since 2003
- Translation coördinator for Moodle since 2004
- Translation experiënce with several other OS projects (Freemind, Mahara, Tracker video analysis and modeling tool, ...)
- Dutch (native) and English (fluent)
- Profile link by clicking on my name above this forum post
Kind regards
Er: Could you help translate MoodleNet in your language?
Hi Mayel,
1.- Basque and Spanish: native; English: fluent
2.- My experience
- I've helped translating Moodle and participated in the community since 2008 (my profile)
- I'm currently one of the Basque language pack maintainers (we have Moodle 3.6 core 100% translated!) and I contribute to es_es and en_fixes language packs from time to time.
- We manage the Basque translation of the non-standard Moodle plugins here
- I help translating some other free software tools to Basque within Librezale group (Kodi, LibreELEC, LineageOS...)
Re: Could you help translate MoodleNet in your language?
Thank you to everyone who has volunteered so far, and also for the feedback and suggestions!
> adding MoodleNet to AMOS would be a good option to make it easy to translate it in the long term, even if you're thinking in something else for the pilot version
This is what is most likely to happen.
Re: Could you help translate MoodleNet in your language?
Very good idea!
Re: Could you help translate MoodleNet in your language?
Greek is my native language,
I am a Moodle language pack maintainer (also proud to reach 100%).
I am already a coordinator in transifex.
I am now waiting to be invited to join as one of the first pilot users to try out the platform as you said
Re: Could you help translate MoodleNet in your language?
Hi Mayel,
I've been working on the Dutch translation of Moodle for the last 3 years now, and would like to help translate MoodleNet.
Dutch (nl_NL)
Profile: https://lang.moodle.org/user/profile.php?id=81505