Language packs for offlinequiz

Language packs for offlinequiz

por R G -
Número de respuestas: 4

How can I download the language packs for this plugin? I can see that it has been translated but I can't find them anywhere. Thanks
En respuesta a R G

Re: Language packs for offlinequiz

por koen roggemans -
Imagen de Language pack maintainers

The language pack for a plugin doesn't need separate downloading. If it is translated in your language, then it is in the language pack of your language.

Assuming the language you are searching: there are 66 strings out of 804 missing for that plugin (including overview, regrade, .. etc)

En respuesta a R G

Re: Language packs for offlinequiz

por German Valero -
Imagen de Language pack maintainers
En respuesta a German Valero

Re: Language packs for offlinequiz

por R G -

Yes, I have updated my language packs but my language folder didn't show up. I don't have the automultiplechoice.php file or the tutorial translations.
