Being able to import from a zip file for several Moodle versions

Re: Being able to import from a zip file for several Moodle versions

oleh Séverin Terrier -
Jumlah balasan: 4


I see that AMOS has been updated, with new 3.8 version (replacing Dev), and the same when importing from a file.

I come back to see if my suggestion about having same behaviour than AMOS manual use could be added when importing from a zip file : strings would be added to latest existing plugin versions (and not one specified version).

That would be very helpfull : i've made several big review/updates in french language pack, and it's really a pain to have to make it in (sometimes) more than 10 occurrences to accomodate each versions sedih And for each big review i make. For exemple, i've made contrib 30711 to 30721, 30757 to 30765 and 30919 to 30930.

Having this aibility would really ease the process of having good translations, with coherence between core and plugins, for old and new plugins. Because i ended up not updating some (old) plugins, and i still have other changes to make, and don't want to again loose time to accomodate each version individually.

Do i need to create a specific tracker issue for that?


Sebagai balasan Séverin Terrier

Re: Being able to import from a zip file for several Moodle versions

oleh Séverin Terrier -

I've created MDLSITE-6036 for that.

Thanks in advance,

Sebagai balasan Séverin Terrier

Re: Being able to import from a zip file for several Moodle versions

oleh Séverin Terrier -


Is there a chance that this improvment could soon become reality?

Because we're in the process of creating a french inclusive language pack, and we'll have changes to make to a lot of strings, in lots of components.

And it will still be a real pain if i need to submit changes for each Moodle version, for plugins non compatible yet with Moodle 3.8.

Really hope you (David) can do something for that.


Sebagai balasan Séverin Terrier

Re: Being able to import from a zip file for several Moodle versions

oleh David Mudrák -
Gambar dari Language pack maintainers

> it will still be a real pain

Just to clarify. This "real pain" is that you would need to repeat the import, say, three of four times (once for each supported Moodle version)?

Sebagai balasan David Mudrák

Re: Being able to import from a zip file for several Moodle versions

oleh Séverin Terrier -

Hi David,

As i explained previously with more details, i sometime had to do the work for (more than) 10 Moodle versions, and for each word/sentence to update/harmonise.

And each time, i have to delete original php files included (just previously) in latest zip version (to avoid duplicates), build again a new zip file, and put it in AMOS for the N-1 version. When you change 4 words, you're near 40 times to make this whole thing...

I could perhaps just do it for latest supported versions, but i'm used, when doing something, to do it in whole.

And you sometimes have plugins not updated for some Moodle versions (like "Configurable reports"), and suddenly updated again. If i've not made the changes, it won't be included when updated some months/years after. And i won't think, several months/years later, to check again to do some changes.

Hope it better clarifies my use case, that is to harmonise used vocabulary (words/sentences) on the whole Moodle plugin pack (plugins included).
