And here's what i find today (on a Moodle 3.7 site), after installing and upgrading all language packs (by alphabetical order):
an/backup.php:208:$string['qcategory2coursefallback'] = 'La categoría de preguntas "{$a->name", orichinalment lo contexto de caegoría sistema/curso, serán creyadas en o contexto curso en estar restauradas.';
ckb/backup.php:114:$string['error_block_for_module_not_found'] = 'ئۆرفان بلۆک بوونە ({id: {$a->bid) بۆ یەکەى کۆرس ({id: {$a->mid) دۆزرایەوە. ئەو بلۆکە نابێت بگەرێتەوە سەر';
ckb/backup.php:115:$string['error_course_module_not_found'] = 'کۆرسى مۆدل ئورفا دۆزرایەوە ({id: {$a) . ئەم مۆدلە پشتگیرى نەکراوە';
ckb/bulkusers.php:34:$string['confirmmessage'] = 'دلنیایى تۆ دەتەوێت ئەم پەیامەى سەرەوە بنێرى بۆئەم بەکارهێنەرانە؟{br />{$a>';
ckb/chat.php:69:$string['messageenter'] = '{$a تازە هاتە نێو ئەم چاتە';
ckb/chat.php:70:$string['messageexit'] = '{$a ئەم چاتەی جێهێشت';
da/error.php:155:$string['cannotupdaterecord'] = 'Kan ikke opdatere post-id {$a)';
de/tool_recyclebin.php:47:$string['eventitemdeleted_desc'] = 'Eintrag mit der ID {$a->objectid] gelöscht.';
dz/role.php:265:$string['inactiveformorethan'] = '{$a->timeperiod ལས་ ལྷག་སྟེ་ ཤུགས་མེད།';
el/block_quickmail.php:51:$string['delete_confirm'] = 'Είστε σίγουροι για τη διαγραφή του μηνύματος με τις ακόλουθες λεπτομέρειες; {$a)';
el_wp/block_quickmail.php:50:$string['delete_confirm'] = 'Είστε σίγουροι για τη διαγραφή του μηνύματος με τις ακόλουθες λεπτομέρειες; {$a)';
es_mx/backup.php:278:$string['qcategory2coursefallback'] = 'La categoría de preguntas "{$a->name", originalmente dentro del contexto de categoría sistema/curso en el archivo de respaldo, será creada en el contexto de curso al ser restaurada.';
es_mx/offlinequiz.php:79:$string['cmmissing'] = 'Falta el módulo del curso para el examen fuera-de-línea con ID {$a';
ga/error.php:246:$string['groupunknown'] = 'Grúpa {$a{ gan bheith gaolmhar le cúrsa sainithe';
ga/question.php:359:$string['yourfileshoulddownload'] = 'Ba chóir go dtosódh do chomhad easpórtála ag íoslódail go gairid. "Mura dtarlaíonn sé, le do thoil <a href+”{$a”>cliceáil anseo</a>.';
ga/role.php:197:$string['inactiveformorethan'] = 'Neamhghníomhach le níos mó ná {$a->timeperiod)';
gl/assign.php:171:$string['editsubmissionother'] = 'Editar entregas para {$a';
he/quiz_overview.php:78:$string['studentingrouplong'] = '\'{$a-> coursestudent בקבוצה זאת';
he/workshopform_comments.php:28:$string['addmoredimensions'] = '{$a) אמות־מידה נוספות';
hu/assign.php:213:Megtekintheti a leadott munka mellett: {$a->url.';
is/plugin.php:42:$string['requiredby'] = 'Krafist af: {$a]';
lt/assign.php:414:$string['submissioncopiedsmall'] = 'Jūs nukopijavote ankstesnės veiklos {$a->assignment) pateikimą';
lt/assign.php:415:$string['submissioncopiedtext'] = 'Jūs nukopijavote ankstesnės veiklos "{$a->assignment)" pateikimą
lt/calendar.php:101:$string['eventendtimewrapped'] = '{$a) (Pabaiga)';
lt/debug.php:45:$string['mustbeoveride'] = 'Abstraktusis {$a) metodas turi būti pakeistas.';
lt_uni/debug.php:45:$string['mustbeoveride'] = 'Abstraktusis {$a) metodas turi būti pakeistas.';
lv/assign.php:166:$string['gradeabovemaximum'] = 'Vērtējumam ir jābūt mazākam vai vienādam ar {$a).';
no/capquiz.php:61:$string['level_stars'] = '{$a) Stjerner';
no/lightboxgallery.php:49:$string['displayinggallery'] = 'Viser album: {$a)';
no/qtype_ddimageortext.php:70:$string['summarisechoice'] = '{$a->no).{$a->text)';
pl/iassign.php:276:$string['import_file'] = 'Plik aktywności {$a lub skompresowany (zip):';
pl/moodle.php:1436:$string['numweek'] = '{$a{ tydzień';
pt/taskchain.php:965:$string['sourcefilenotfound'] = 'Ficheiro de origem não encontrado (ou vazio): {$a';
ro/portfolio.php:167:$string['plugincouldnotpackage'] = 'Nu s-a putut realiza pachetul pentru exportul datelor dumneavoastră: eroarea originală a fost {$a';
sk/choicegroup.php:126:<li><a href="{$a->linkgroups">spravovať skupiny kurzov</a></li>
sr_cr/oublog.php:187:* {$a->restrictposttext
sr_cr/oublog.php:190:* {$a->restrictblogtext
sr_lt/oublog.php:187:* {$a->restrictposttext
sr_lt/oublog.php:190:* {$a->restrictblogtext
sv_fi/grading.php:28:$string['activemethodinfonone'] = 'Ingen avancerad utvärderingsmetod är vald för området \'{$a->arUtvärdering med vitsord kommer att användas.';
te/auth_mnet.php:38:$string['sso_mnet_login_refused'] = 'వినియోగదారు పేరు {$a->';
te/completion.php:38:$string['affectedactivities'] = 'ఈ మార్పులు క్రింది <b>{$a </b> కార్యకలాపాలు లేదా వనరులను ప్రభావితం చేస్తుంది:';
te/hvp.php:345:$string['welcomecommunity'] = 'మీరు H5P ను ఆనందిస్తారని మరియు మా పెరుగుతున్న సంఘంలో మా <a {$a->forums> ఫోరమ్స్ ద్వారా </a> నిమగ్నమవ్వాలని ఆశిస్తున్నాము.';
zh_cn/mnet.php:88:$string['hostexists'] = '已有使用此主机名的主机记录(可以删除它)。<a href="{$a">点击这里</a>编辑此记录。';
If someone (or several people) is motivated to improve (all) these strings, it would be of help for the international community.
To generate this list, just go to the folder containing all installed language packs (moodledata/lang/) and launch this command:
grep -rne '{$a' . | grep -v '}' | sort | cut -c 3-
Perhaps someone better than me with bash commands/scripts can simplify or improve it...
And if you want to check all english strings (embedded with Moodle), just go to Moodle folder and launch this command:
for i in `find . -type f -name '*.php' | grep 'lang/en/'`; do grep -ne '{$a' $i | grep -v '}'; done
It should return nothing (and it's that) 