Strings for the new Moodle app version (3.8.1) ready for translation

Strings for the new Moodle app version (3.8.1) ready for translation

by Juan Leyva -
Number of replies: 4

Hi there,

I hope you and your relatives/friends are doing well in the current global situation.

You can find the new strings to be translated following this link:*app&m=1

The previous link will bring you directly to the translation interface with the "Only strings used in the Moodle App" translation option selected.

Your help is really appreciated in these difficult times

Stay safe, Juan

In reply to Juan Leyva

Re: Strings for the new Moodle app version (3.8.1) ready for translation

by German Valero -
Maletg da 	Language pack maintainers

Thanks Juan,

Mexican Spanish strings have been translated surrir

In reply to German Valero

Re: Strings for the new Moodle app version (3.8.1) ready for translation

by Ralf Krause -
Maletg da 	Language pack maintainers

I translated the missing stings in the packages de and de_du.

In reply to Juan Leyva

Odg: Strings for the new Moodle app version (3.8.1) ready for translation

by Mitja Podreka -
Maletg da 	Language pack maintainers

We would like to add Slovenian language to this Moodle App version. Till when we have time to translate the strings i.e. when is version 3.8.1 planned to be released?