Weird things in h5plib_v124

Weird things in h5plib_v124

by koen roggemans -
Number of replies: 13
Picture of Language pack maintainers

There are some weird things in h5plib_v124, like  (: clip) and %lib.

They don't show up in

Did anyone manage to figure out what they do by seeing it in use in the interface?  Can it be translated?

Kind regards


In reply to koen roggemans

Re: Weird things in h5plib_v124

by German Valero -
Picture of Language pack maintainers

Hi Koen,

I also wondered about the very peculiar syntax for those very new strings. I recall some other H5P-related AMOS file also had weird syntax a few weeks ago..

But, like many of you, I have been very busy trying to motivate my students with off-site courses at my University.

Plus, the large number of new strings for the coming 3.9 Moodle branch

I wil try to use the new Moodle 3.9dev local server I just managed to install in my PC (I had windows registry issues preventing me from installing it for the past 2 months).

ps: the German and Italian translations for H5P source code at are 100% complete. Maybe it would be interesting to test the new Moodle 3.9dev AMOS strings with those languages. But, despite being named Germán, I can not read German at all (pun intended) !

In reply to koen roggemans

Re: Weird things in h5plib_v124

by David Mudrák -
Picture of Language pack maintainers

Thanks Koen for raising this. I've pinged the H5P team to check and asked them to reply here.

In reply to koen roggemans

Re: Weird things in h5plib_v124

by Sara Arjona Téllez -

Hi Koen!

Thanks for raising this question! We've added some extra information to this Translations page (here) to explain how they should be treated. As you'll see, this placeholders (such as :clip or %lib), must not be translated. Please, let us know if it's clear enough wink

Kind regards!

In reply to Sara Arjona Téllez

Re: Weird things in h5plib_v124

by German Valero -
Picture of Language pack maintainers

Thanks a lot Sara.

Please note that the file core_h5p.php also has some peculiar strings such as:

Added {$a->%new} new H5P libraries.

One of the files inside the package exceeds the maximum file size allowed. ({$a->%file} {$a->%used} > {$a->%max})

Invalid language file {$a->%file} in library {$a->%library}

In reply to German Valero

Re: Weird things in h5plib_v124

by Sara Arjona Téllez -

Hi German!

Thanks a lot for looking at the changes and commenting about these strings. All the cases in core_h5p.php, such as {$a->%library} I would say are covered by the information in the Moodle variables enclosed within {curly brackets} section. Do you think is enough or should be added some extra information in order to avoid any confusion?


In reply to Sara Arjona Téllez

Re: Weird things in h5plib_v124

by German Valero -
Picture of Language pack maintainers

Hi Sara,
I think you've done an excellent job and the current documentation is pretty good.
Thanks a lot smile

In reply to Sara Arjona Téllez

Re: Weird things in h5plib_v124

by koen roggemans -
Picture of Language pack maintainers

Yes, I agree: curly brackets docs cover this.

Thanks a lot for your work on the documentation: very clear and helpful.

Kind regards


In reply to Sara Arjona Téllez

Ang: Re: Weird things in h5plib_v124

by Bente Olsen -
Picture of Language pack maintainers

Hi Sara

Thanks for your help with this.

I do have an additional question though. In Moodle you can combine letters/words and curly brackets, eg. you can write relevant{$a}string, without spaces before or after the curly brackets. What is the rule when it comes to h5p placeholders?

Can I use :lib-translatedword, translatedword:lib, translatedword-:lib or :libtranslatedword

I ask because I sometime combine a word and a placeholder in my translations. In Danish we have a lot of 'doubbled' words. Eg. I have translated a string like this:

[Missing translation :key] → [Mangler oversættelses-:key]

In this case I have chosen to use a hyphen between my Danish word and the placeholder, in the hope that it will be okay. Normally in Moodle I might have translated the string containing curly brackets without the hyphen.

In addition I might be tempted to write
%libtypen skal...
which would work with placeholder with curly brackets.

Another example:

The :property value can only contain numbers. → :property-værdien kan kun indeholde tal.

Thanks in advance


In reply to Bente Olsen

Re: Ang: Re: Weird things in h5plib_v124

by Sara Arjona Téllez -

Hi Bente!

The cases you mentioned in your message should work as expected if you add the hyphen before or after the ":xxxxx" key (I've been able to confirm them with some quick tests):

  • [Missing translation :key] → [Mangler oversættelses-:key]
  • The :property value can only contain numbers. → :property-værdien kan kun indeholde tal.

For the "%libtypen skal" I need some more information (the original string would help), to confirm if they will work too smile

Kind regards from Barcelona,


In reply to Sara Arjona Téllez

Ang: Re: Ang: Re: Weird things in h5plib_v124

by Bente Olsen -
Picture of Language pack maintainers

Hi Sara

Thank you for your reply. Now I see the rule as it is ok to use  (if the placeholder is :code or %code)

:code-extracharacters, extracharacters-:code or %code-extracharacters, extracharacters-%code,

but I have to avoid

extracharacters:code, :codeextracharacters and extracharacters%code, %codeextracharacters

so combining the placeholder with another string always should be done with the hypen as separator?

My example with %libtype was just an example created by me, not something from the languagepack.

Cheers from Roskilde smile


In reply to Bente Olsen

Re: Weird things in h5plib_v124

by Sara Arjona Téllez -

Hi Bente!

As far as I've seen, all the cases should work (even the ones without hyphen). The first occurrence of :code (or %code) will be replaced by the corresponding text regardless if there aren't empty spaces or hyphens near. So, if code=xxxxx:

  • :code-extracharacters / %code-extracharacters will be converted to xxxxx-extracharacters
  • extracharacters-:code / extracharacters-%code will be converted to extracharacters-xxxxx
  • extracharacters:code / extracharacters%code will be converted to extracharactersxxxxx
  • :codeextracharacters / %codeextracharacters will be converted to xxxxxextracharacters



In reply to Sara Arjona Téllez

Ang: Re: Weird things in h5plib_v124

by Bente Olsen -
Picture of Language pack maintainers

Hi Sara,

That sounds great. Thanks a lot for your help!

KR Bente