Moodle app 3.9.0 ready for translation

Moodle app 3.9.0 ready for translation

por Juan Leyva -
Número de respostas: 2

Hi everybody,

the new version of the app is coming very soon.

You can find the new strings to be translated following this link:*app&m=1

The previous link will bring you directly to the translation interface with the "Only strings used in the Moodle App" translation option selected.

Stay safe, Juan

En resposta a Juan Leyva

Re: Moodle app 3.9.0 ready for translation

por German Valero -
Imaxe de Language pack maintainers

Hi Juan,

The mexican Spanish translation is now complete.

Thanks again for the great job you are doing.

Cuídate mucho. Saludos afectuosos, Germán