MDL-69915 Adding support for I18N formatting of large numbers eg thousands digit grouping

MDL-69915 Adding support for I18N formatting of large numbers eg thousands digit grouping

autor Brendan Heywood -
Počet odpovedí: 2

hi all,

It's always seemed like an omission that formatted numbers in moodle do not have the standard , or . which groups the numbers together and make them much for readable quickly, especially for large numbers of tables of large numbers where you are scanning and comparing numbers.

12345678.00 Current

12,345,678.00 English

12.345.678,00 German

12 345 678.00 ISO_31-0

1,23,45,678.00 Indian

I cannot see any particular reason for it not being tackled but I suspect it might be because there are some odd edge cases around the world which the php number-format() function doesn't really handle and so it was easier to just not.

I still think it's a small but worth UX improvement and I've made a tracker for it which I'm happy to pick up if there is some consensus around the best way forward to represent the digit grouping format syntax for each language:

MDL-69915" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">

V odpovedi na Brendan Heywood

Re: MDL-69915 Adding support for I18N formatting of large numbers eg thousands digit grouping

autor koen roggemans -
Obrázok: Language pack maintainers

Hi Brendon,

Interesting, absolutely.

Every language pack contains the locale with the language_country identifier, which  contains that information. On top of that we have in core_langconfig strings for thousand, decimal and list separation. I'm not sure where they are used, but I know it causes problems if they are wrong.

Can you please update the link to the issue in your post? it doesn't work.