No strings for Dutch (nl)

No strings for Dutch (nl)

by Joost Elshoff -
Number of replies: 5


If I open the AMOS translation interface right now and try to see all strings for Dutch for latest / current version, there is nothing to be displayed. Is there a bug or issue with AMOS?

In reply to Joost Elshoff

Re: No strings for Dutch (nl)

by David Mudrák -
ምስሊ ናይ Language pack maintainers

and try to see all strings

How exactly do you have your AMOS filter set? Could it be that you have "Missing and outdated strings" selected?

In reply to David Mudrák

Re: No strings for Dutch (nl)

by Joost Elshoff -

No, I selected All components, language = Dutch and tried for 3.10 and latest available version, and this was the result:

In reply to Joost Elshoff

Re: No strings for Dutch (nl)

by koen roggemans -
ምስሊ ናይ Language pack maintainers
Selecting all components does indeed show nothing. Standard shows all standard strings. There is a bug report for this:

Anyway, It's not very useful to select all, since all contributed plugins are in there too and tons of them are not translated. It's also not the aim to have them all translated.