Can't translate ids for social platforms

Can't translate ids for social platforms

por Ralf Krause -
Número de respostas: 4
Imaxe de Language pack maintainers


there are some ids for social platforms in the user profile. I can't translate the strings for aimid, icqnumber, msnid, skypeid, webpage and yahooid. I translated these strings in 2006 and today they were empty. The problem is in the lang pack de. I am maintaining  de, de_du. de_kids, de_comm and de_ch.

3.11+ | de | 2021-04-23 09:20 UTC
Bas Brands <>
MDL-28452 core_user: migrate social profile fields Committed into Git: 2020-11-17 18:43 UTC

I can't fill in the old content again. This could be a bug in AMOS or a problem with the language pack.

En resposta a Ralf Krause

Re: Can't translate ids for social platforms

por David Mudrák -
Imaxe de Language pack maintainers

Hi Ralf.

These strings were moved into a new component "profilefield_social". You can check and update their translation at

En resposta a David Mudrák

Re: Can't translate ids for social platforms

por Ralf Krause -
Imaxe de Language pack maintainers
Hi David,
I translated all strings in the new component "profilefield_social".
Thanks for your very quick answer.
En resposta a Ralf Krause

Re: Can't translate ids for social platforms

por koen roggemans -
Imaxe de Language pack maintainers
Ah, I just added a comment to

These still are reported as missing from the language pack: 2.0+ | aimid | core, 2.0+ | icqnumber | core, etc. and can't be committed (only send to language pack maintainer)
En resposta a koen roggemans

Re: Can't translate ids for social platforms

por David Mudrák -
Imaxe de Language pack maintainers

Yeah. There were more problems with this commit (I also commented there). Hopefully they should be all fixed by now.