Can't translate ids for social platforms

Can't translate ids for social platforms

per Ralf Krause,
Number of replies: 4
Avatar Language pack maintainers


there are some ids for social platforms in the user profile. I can't translate the strings for aimid, icqnumber, msnid, skypeid, webpage and yahooid. I translated these strings in 2006 and today they were empty. The problem is in the lang pack de. I am maintaining  de, de_du. de_kids, de_comm and de_ch.

3.11+ | de | 2021-04-23 09:20 UTC
Bas Brands <>
MDL-28452 core_user: migrate social profile fields Committed into Git: 2020-11-17 18:43 UTC

I can't fill in the old content again. This could be a bug in AMOS or a problem with the language pack.

In reply to Ralf Krause

Re: Can't translate ids for social platforms

per David Mudrák,
Avatar Language pack maintainers

Hi Ralf.

These strings were moved into a new component "profilefield_social". You can check and update their translation at

In reply to David Mudrák

Re: Can't translate ids for social platforms

per Ralf Krause,
Avatar Language pack maintainers
Hi David,
I translated all strings in the new component "profilefield_social".
Thanks for your very quick answer.
In reply to Ralf Krause

Re: Can't translate ids for social platforms

per koen roggemans,
Avatar Language pack maintainers
Ah, I just added a comment to

These still are reported as missing from the language pack: 2.0+ | aimid | core, 2.0+ | icqnumber | core, etc. and can't be committed (only send to language pack maintainer)
In reply to koen roggemans

Re: Can't translate ids for social platforms

per David Mudrák,
Avatar Language pack maintainers

Yeah. There were more problems with this commit (I also commented there). Hopefully they should be all fixed by now.