List of components to translate

List of components to translate

Nosūtīja Moodle Tresipunt
Atbilžu skaits: 4

Hi all!

Our translation team has a question. We are translating Workplace into Catalan, and we can't find the list of components to be translated. We're finding them by exploring the platform, but does anyone have or know where to find the complete list of components?

I attach the fixed list that we have, and the list of the components that we think we need to translate. 

List of components that we already know need to be translated:

  • tool_certificate
  • tool_certification
  • tool_datastore
  • tool_dynamicrule
  • tool_organisation
  • tool_program
  • tool_reportbuilder
  • tool_tenant
  • tool_wp
  • format_wplist
  • enrol_dynamicrule
  • enrol_program
  • theme_workplace
  • certificateelement   

List of components that we deduce that need to be translated (and maybe don't):

  • core_analytics
  • core_access
  • core_langconfig
  • tool_brickfield 
  • core_course
  • tool_mobile
  • core_course\
  • tool_moodle
  • core_h5p
  • tool_moodlenet 

Sorry if they are already in a discussion on this or other forums, but we haven't found them smaidīgs

We have also posted in the workplace translation forum, but we write it here in case someone else can help us.




Atbildot uz Moodle Tresipunt

Re: List of components to translate

Nosūtīja Emilio Lozano

Hi 👋,

You can find all strings on this public repository:

Once there, you can go into the history of the branch and see all changes to the strings, so for 3.11 you have:

For example, this was added between 3.10.4 and 3.11:

Hope it helps.


Atbildot uz Moodle Tresipunt

Re: List of components to translate

Nosūtīja koen roggemans
Language pack maintainers attēls
I think there is a conceptual problem here too.
Catalan is the main language pack. Workplace relies on Catalan.
For resolving a string in a Catalan site, Moodle looks in the following order:
Catalan workplace -> not found -> Catalan -> not found -> English

So the key here is: make sure Catalan is complete. (all strings under "standard" selection in Amos). Put in Workplace only the strings that are different from Catalan.

So in theory, there is hardly anything to translate - just the few strings that don't exist in Catalan and the modifications from Catalan.
If there are strings untranslated in Catalan which would be the same in Workplace, then the strings should go in Catalan to avoid double work and double code. Mind you that it would work, having a string in Workplace which is not translated yet in Catalan.

The 'common sense' priority of translating things is on
Atbildot uz koen roggemans

Re: List of components to translate

Nosūtīja Emilio Lozano

That's a very good point Koen, thanks for pointing it out!

So the key here is: make sure Catalan is complete. (all strings under "standard" selection in Amos). Put in Workplace only the strings that are different from Catalan.

This is how is meant to be done, Workplace language packs should include only Workplace strings. If the same string is present in the core language pack (Catalan), then it should be translated there.


Atbildot uz Emilio Lozano

Re: List of components to translate

Nosūtīja Orestes Mas

Hi Emilio.

I'm Orestes, the coordinator of "core" Moodle catalan translation. Please feel free to contact me directly if you think that I can be of any help in putting the Workplace translation together.
