Today I've tried to import translated strings from file (ZIP with 95 php files - I have three more files like this to import). After some time of processing I got an Nginx error (cant remember which one). After a retry I got the following error:
error/Unable to obtain session lock
Debug info:
Error code: Unable to obtain session lock
$a contents:
Stack trace:
line 483 of /lib/classes/session/redis.php: core\session\exception thrown
line 288 of /lib/classes/session/redis.php: call to core\session\redis->lock_session()
line ? of unknownfile: call to core\session\redis->handler_read()
line 45 of /lib/classes/session/handler.php: call to session_start()
line 152 of /lib/classes/session/redis.php: call to core\session\handler->start()
line 129 of /lib/classes/session/manager.php: call to core\session\redis->start()
line 111 of /lib/classes/session/manager.php: call to core\session\manager::start_session()
line 808 of /lib/setup.php: call to core\session\manager::start()
line 57 of /config.php: call to require_once()
line 25 of /local/amos/stage.php: call to require()
After some time I could log back in and now the Slovenian language disappeared form Amos. Can't find it on any list/pull down menu.