Slovenian language disappeared from AMOS

Slovenian language disappeared from AMOS

por Mitja Podreka -
Número de respostas: 3
Foto de Language pack maintainers


Today I've tried to import translated strings from file (ZIP with 95 php files - I have three more files like this to import). After some time of processing I got an Nginx error (cant remember which one). After a retry I got the following error:

error/Unable to obtain session lock
Debug info:
Error code: Unable to obtain session lock
$a contents:
Stack trace:

    line 483 of /lib/classes/session/redis.php: core\session\exception thrown
    line 288 of /lib/classes/session/redis.php: call to core\session\redis->lock_session()
    line ? of unknownfile: call to core\session\redis->handler_read()
    line 45 of /lib/classes/session/handler.php: call to session_start()
    line 152 of /lib/classes/session/redis.php: call to core\session\handler->start()
    line 129 of /lib/classes/session/manager.php: call to core\session\redis->start()
    line 111 of /lib/classes/session/manager.php: call to core\session\manager::start_session()
    line 808 of /lib/setup.php: call to core\session\manager::start()
    line 57 of /config.php: call to require_once()
    line 25 of /local/amos/stage.php: call to require()

After some time I could log back in and now the Slovenian language disappeared form Amos. Can't find it on any list/pull down menu.

Em resposta a 'Mitja Podreka'

Re: Slovenian language disappeared from AMOS

por koen roggemans -
Foto de Language pack maintainers
I'm not sure what you mean by missing: I can see on
I can also get the language pack in the translation interface.
The import of files is never used that much - it is actually there for making offline translation possible for area's with an internet connection too poor to use Amos. I suggest to work with much smaller zip files.
Em resposta a 'koen roggemans'

Zadeva: Re: Slovenian language disappeared from AMOS

por Mitja Podreka -
Foto de Language pack maintainers

Dear Koen,

thank you for the hint that reminded me I've messed up exactly like this before. 🤦 Sorry for creating unnecessary panic.

I have an ongoing project with a professor from our Department of Translation Studies where every second year the students of localization course are working on Moodle localization. It was exactly the same last time: they translated the original 'thislanguage' and 'thislanguageint' strings in langconfig.php instead of keeping 'Slovenščina' and 'Slovenian' strings. I've missed this again and our language 'disappeared' from AMOS. I've fixed the strings and everything is again as is supposed to be.

If it is of any interest, the Nginx error is "504 Gateway Time-out". Despite the error, all the strings are committed, I just have to give the server some more time to finish the work in the background. With 480 files to commit, I prefer to trigger few errors instead of making 15 separate commits.

The final result: we are now at 95% of strings translated! 🥳

Em resposta a 'Mitja Podreka'

Re: Zadeva: Re: Slovenian language disappeared from AMOS

por koen roggemans -
Foto de Language pack maintainers
Well, that's great! What a nice project. Very good to expose the students to their power to improve and contribute to open source software.
Yes, for future reference, I think it will be good to delete lanconfig.php from their contributions before uploading, just to make sure nothing happens sorriso. It is actually a language configuration file and very technical, rather then a translation thing...