Questions from a beginner...

Questions from a beginner...

av Visvanath Ratnaweera -
Antall svar: 1

I've started only recently as the language pack maintainer for Sinhala. So pardon my beginner's questions. Pointing out to the FAQ (and answer) is enough.

Q1. Number of strings shows a total of 29,533 strings, 

out of which only 8,485 has been translated. A daunting prospect!

But in when I select "core" and "Sinhala" there are 21 pages of 100 stings each, makes 2,100 strings. 

So the 29,533 earlier must be the total of the "Components", from "core" to "zoom". Correct?

Q2. Has the design of the translation tool changed shows the following screen-shot:

What i see is different, different columns. See the screen-shot in Q1. Has the design changed or am I looking at something different?

Edit: I think it is the design change. links to

(2012), which is from the same (previous) design.

Som svar til Visvanath Ratnaweera

Re: Questions from a beginner...

av koen roggemans -
Bilde av Language pack maintainers

A daunting prospect!: It's like eating an elephant: one bite at the time and you'll get there smiler

For the total number of strings: You have to select "Standard" for a standaard Moodle installation. The core file alone is a very small subset of the strings (no plugins,  no error messages, privacy strings, ...) . Selecting "Standard" today, gives you 29533 strings in 491 files, not 1 file.

As for the screenshot: yes, some details of the interface have changed since the last overhaul of the language tool. The screenshots need updating.