Translation for the Moodle app 4.1.1

Translation for the Moodle app 4.1.1

Krause Ralf írta időpontban
Válaszok szám: 1

There are new strings for the Moodle app 4.1.1.

I have a question for the new string "Try changing the sorting order or going online to view this forum.". Does the user need to go online with the app to see the forum or does he need to go online with the browser?


Válasz erre: Krause Ralf

Re: Translation for the Moodle app 4.1.1

Verdaguer Júlia írta időpontban

Hi Ralf,

Thank you for looking into the new strings for the Moodle App 4.1.1!

When users see the string that you mention, they only need to go online with the app to see the forum, they don't need to use the browser. 
