This idea has been in my head for some time and I'd like to get some feedback on it.
Shortly, the way how community contributions work in AMOS has a lot of space for improvements (I would use more explicit terms if this was not a public forum ). I must confess, it was designed and implemented years ago in a rush. Today, with more experience and feedback I received, I think it could work differently and better.
I propose we should get rid of the whole concept of "contributions" with the ID number, message, status, assignee and everything. This workflow was meant to mimic the code contributions via Git in the Moodle Tracker. But I don't think we need such over-engineered mechanism here in AMOS. We do not typically have long discussions over contributed translations before we accept them.
Instead, any AMOS user (and in the future, even a web-service client), could use the standard AMOS Translator interface and submit a proposed translation / modification of a string. They would get recorded immediately and could be displayed by all other AMOS users. There would be a filter setting to show only strings with contributed translation. People could eventually vote or comment on these contributed strings if needed. Language pack maintainers could accept / reject contributed translations easily by clicking on each individually, or in a bulk.
Basically, the essential change is that:
- Strings would be contributed individually one by one without the need to submit them together in a package.
- Existing contributions would be displayed to all other users, so they would also know that a missing strings has already been translated - to avoid duplicated work
- Community contributors would just "come & translate"TM without the need to go to the staging area and submit their stage to the language packs maintainers. Once each string was saved in the Translator, it would become an instant contribution.
Please share your thoughts, fears and counter-ideas. Thanks in advance.