Feature request: Strings in contexts !

Re: Feature request: Strings in contexts !

av David Mudrák -
Antal svar: 0
Bild av Language pack maintainers

Well, it can not be implemented easily, if even. Some strings are used by many pages, many of them are used in library functions (so we do not know what pages actually use that function) etc.

My personal experience is that the language pack maintainer simply must know Moodle to be able to translate it. I can just recommend you to leave the strings you are not sure about untranslated. One day, either you or other users will spot the English string in their Moodle and will report you it.

p.s. [admin, clianswerno] is the character used by command line installer utility. It asks the admin something and the admin can press "y" (for yes) or "n" (for no). In Czech, we say "ano" for "yes" so I will translate "y" to "a" so that Czech admins will press "a" if they agree with the question.