Impacts of the new development workflow

Impacts of the new development workflow

- Neis Araujo Daniel の投稿
返信数: 2
画像 Language pack maintainers



in Moodle 1.9 the language pack were updated every night, in 2.0 a *big* improvement was to update the lang pack every hour, so we can get fresh and updated lang packs more often. Now, this change looks like a *big big* regression: we will have to wait one week to correct even little errors.

Is there any changes to keep a separated git repository for languages? The new development process, afaik, is not stable yet. Our revision process is totally separated from code review process, so i think we don't have to wait for code reviewers to look at our translations and accept them...


Kind regards,


Neis Araujo Daniel への返信

Re: Impacts of the new development workflow

- Mudrák David の投稿
画像 Language pack maintainers

Oh sorry Daniel - I was not clear apparently. Your translations are still published every hour at the download page. They are not kept in any git repository (yet), the packs are generated every hour from AMOS database.

The change I announced applies to the original English strings only. As you know, AMOS tracks Moodle source code and informs translators about modifications in English (which is IMHO one of the most cool AMOS features actually). In CVS, changes in the official Moodle source were continuous. With the new model, changes in Moodle source code appear in a one big bulk every Wednesday only. So for example if some Moodle developer introduces a new English string on Thursday, the string will appear in AMOS as soon as possible - but not before the Wednesday when the official moodle.git repo is updated with the reviewed changes from the last week.