Greylist strings: show in stage

Greylist strings: show in stage

Neis Araujo Daniel -
Кількість відповідей: 1
Фото Language pack maintainers



would be possible to show if a string is greylisted in the stage screen? This way i would not have to switch between translator and stage to unstage all greylisted strings before review the rest...

Ah! A button to "unstage all greylisted string" would be nice too ;)


Kind regards,


У відповідь на Neis Araujo Daniel

Re: Greylist strings: show in stage

Mudrák David -
Фото Language pack maintainers
Well... The greylist feature was added as a temporary solution to save translators' time during the translation. But once the strings are translated, there is no reason why to differentiate them any more IMHO. Note that you should not trust the greylist too much anyway. The number of false positives is expected to be pretty high.