Moodle app version 3.9.3 ready for translation

Moodle app version 3.9.3 ready for translation

av Juan Leyva -
Antall svar: 3

Hi everybody,

a new version of the app is coming very soon.

You can find the new strings to be translated following this link:*app&m=1

The previous link will bring you directly to the translation interface with the "Only strings used in the Moodle App" translation option selected.

Kind regards, Juan

Som svar til Juan Leyva

Re: Moodle app version 3.9.3 ready for translation

av Ralf Krause -
Bilde av Language pack maintainers
Hi Juan,
I am looking forward for the new version. Thank you very much for the mobile app.
The german translation for both packages de and de_du is done.
Som svar til Juan Leyva

Zadeva: Moodle app version 3.9.3 ready for translation

av Mitja Podreka -
Bilde av Language pack maintainers
Hi Juan,

Thank you for update.
For the first time, the Slovenian translation is done in time. Will try to make it a habit.
